Mekhoa e tšeletseng ea ntlafatso ea indasteri ea thepa ea polokelo ea thepa

Nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea thepa ea thepa ea sejoale-joale e na le likarolo tse tšeletseng tse kholo: kopanyo e felletseng ea thepa, ho khothaletsa ts'ebetso ea phepelo ea phepelo bocha; Kopanyo e tebileng ea lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ho ts'ehetsa nts'etsopele ea khoebo ea e-commerce; Ho theoa ha polokelo e bohlale, butle-butle ho phethela marang-rang a polokelo; Khokahano ea sethala sa tlhahisoleseling ho thusa ho theha sistimi e tloaelehileng ea kabo ea litoropo; Ho lekola boleng ba thepa le ho netefatsa maemo a eketsehileng a taolo ea thepa; Tšebeliso e ncha ea theknoloji e tala ho khothaletsa phetoho e tsoelang pele le ntlafatso ea indasteri ea polokelo ea thepa.




Ntlha ea pele, ho kopanngoa ha thepa ka botlalo ho khothaletsa ts'ebetso ea phepelo ea phepelo bocha


Nakong e tlang, ts'ebetso ea phepelo ea phepelo e tla ntlafatsoa nako le nako ho kopanya lethathamo la ts'ebeliso, thekiso, thekiso le polokelo, ho fokotsa lethathamo la thepa ea sechaba kaofela, ho rera ka kopanelo moralo oa polokelo, ho phethela polokelo e bohareng le kabo e kopaneng. , molemong oa ho ntlafatsa sekhahla sa kopo ea polokelo, ho potlakisa phallo ea thepa, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa thepa, le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea moruo.



2. Ho kopanya ho tebileng ha lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ho tšehetsa nts'etsopele ea e-commerce


Ha tsoelo-pele ea moruo e kena boemong bo bocha, ho kopanngoa ho tebileng ha mehloli ea polokelo, ho arolelana marang-rang le ka ntle ho marang-rang ea lisebelisoa tsa polokelo, le ho arolelana thepa ea thepa e tla ba mokhoa o mocha oa nts'etsopele ea indasteri.Mefuta eohle ea likhoebo tse tsamaisang khoebo li nka ho ntlafatsa lebelo la karabo. le ho matlafatsa boiphihlelo ba bareki joalo ka setsi, ho kopanya lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea thepa, ho lokisa moralo oa setsi sa phepelo, ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa thepa, ho qapa mokhoa oa taolo ea thepa le ts'ebetso ea khoebo, ho sebelisana 'moho le mokhatlo oa kabo ea thepa, ho theha marang-rang a kopanyo ea thepa ea thepa. Sistimi; Likhoebo tsa polokelo ea thepa le tsa thepa li shebana le ho fihlela litlhoko tsa lisebelisoa tsa marang-rang le kantle ho marang-rang, ho kopanya lisebelisoa tsa polokelo ea sechaba, ho ntlafatsa marang-rang a polokelo le kabo, ho qapa mokhoa oa ts'ebetso ea polokelo, le ho ts'ehetsa nts'etsopele ea khoebo ea e-commerce.



Ea boraro, ho thehoa ha polokelo ea thepa e bohlale butle-butle ho phethela polokelo ea thepa ea Marang-rang


Kamora ho ntlafatsoa ha sistimi ea tlhaiso-leseling ea taolo ea polokelo, ts'ebetsong ea polokelo ea othomathiki le lisebelisoa tsa ho hlopha, ntlafatso ea Marang-rang a Lintho le thekenoloji ea Marang-rang, tsamaiso e bohlale ea polokelo e tla phethoa butle-butle; Ho ipapisitsoe le cloud computing le data e kholo, haha Sebaka sa polokelo ea polokelo ea Marang-rang, ho arolelana lisebelisoa tsa polokelo le tlhaiso-leseling ea thepa, ho kenya tšebetsong taolo ea "cloud warehousing" litsing tsa polokelo, butle-butle ho phethela khoebo ea inthaneteng, kemiso ea inthanete, ho lekola nako ea nnete le ho lekola lisebelisoa tsa polokelo, le ho ntlafatsa boemo ba taolo ea polokelo ea thepa. sechaba sohle.



IV. Khokahano ea li-platform tsa tlhahisoleseling e thusa ho theha sistimi e tloaelehileng ea kabo ea litoropo


Ho tloha ha Lekala la Khoebo le thakhola morero oa teko oa kabo e kopanetsoeng ea literopo, litoropo tse kholo le tse mahareng naha ka bophara li hlophisitse kabo e kopanetsoeng ka mekhahlelo e fapaneng, ’me litoropo tse ling li thehile mabala a litaba a sechaba bakeng sa ho aba metseng e meholo. The interconnection of information platforms will become an endogenous demand for urban distribution.Ka ho phethela khokahanyo lipakeng tsa platforms, centralized storage of resource supply and demand information, ho romelloa ho utloahalang ha likoloi tsa kabo, le ho phethoa ha ho arolelanoa ha mehloli ka hare le lipakeng tsa metse, ea litoropo. tsamaiso e tloaelehileng ea kabo e ntlafatsoa nako le nako.



V. Hlahloba boleng ba thepa ho netefatsa tsamaiso ea litekanyetso tse ling


Ka maemo a naha "guarantee tube goods management standard" bakeng sa ho kenngwa tshebetsong ha ho kenngwa tshebetsong, "the national tiisetso tube goods management public information platform" to push through the application of industry organization to improve self-tayong, warehousing enterprises inventory management can ntlafatso ho ea pele, inventory boleng ba mahlahahlaha, tiisetso tube thepa tsamaiso ea indasteri ea Chaena e tla tsoa ho theoha hona joale, tataiso ea maemo.



VI. Ho qapa le ho sebelisa theknoloji e tala ho khothaletsa phetoho e tsoelang pele le nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea polokelo ea thepa


Theknoloji ea polokelo e tala le kabo e tla etsoa nakong e tlang e tla tsepamisa maikutlo holim'a li-photovoltaics tsa marulelo a marulelong, sistimi ea mabone, polokelo e batang le theknoloji ea ho boloka matla, koloi e ncha ea matla, lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tse tala le ts'ebeliso ea setopo le eona e tla arolelanoa le kabo e kopaneng ea litoropo. , karohano ea mohato oa li-tray cycle, mosebetsi oa ho tsitsa ha thepa ea khoebo, nts'etsopele ea phetoho ea thepa ea matlo.

Nako ea poso: Jan-20-2021